Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another Government Entitlement Program - Really?

I'm not certain where it all started, but there's a list of government-backed, taxpayer funded entitlement programs that would choke a horse. I won't even attempt to name them and I'm sure there are many of which I've never heard. The point is, are they truly justified and necessary? I'm sure they are well-intentioned, at least in the beginning, but do they achieve the intended results?

I could go on and on about the pros and cons of various entitlement programs, but let's skip to the "my opinion" part. In my opinion, there is no justifiable government-backed, taxypayer funded entitlement program, period. Everything that is intended to be achieved by these government programs can and should be achieved through the private sector and more importantly through personal responsibility and self-reliance.

I absolutely believe there are those who, through no fault of their own, are in dire circumstances and need assistance. I also absolutely believe it is not the federal government's responsibility to provide that assistance by stealing my money and giving it to them. How did these people survive long ago before these programs existed? They got help from friends, neighbors, family, churches and other charitable organizations.

If I wasn't already paying between 40 - 50% of my income to the government, then I would be in a much better position to help those in need. But no, the government believes they know better how to spend my money... nevermind that the government programs are rife with corruption and fraud.

Cutting to the chase, it's probably obvious that I don't take kindly to the government stealing my money to fund their corrupt programs. It's a much longer discussion, but the arguement could be made that the real motive behind some of these programs is nothing more than to buy votes.

Now for the latest insults to my sensibilities, the government is considering two more permanent entitlement programs.

One that I'm sure you've heard about is the Healthcare Reform effort currently going through Congress. The latest word is that it will cost all taxypayers almost $900 Billion over 10 years and still there will be approximately 20 million people without health insurance. Really??? Is there not a better way???

One that you may not have heard about is the consideration of giving every newborn child a $500 savings account. Really??? Are you freakin kidding me???

God help us... where will it end?

1 comment:

  1. YES I agree with you,The government takes ,takes and then takes some more. I am sorry if you are offend by what I am going to say but it's not directed in any way at you or anyone other than the government.I am against 98% of what the government does and stands for.My oppinion they Suck. That said , I have been unemployed for a year now and I get unemploymet.Is that government funding? Not in my world.I paid it .I should get it when I need it.I need it now. Worked all my life 18 - 46. Unemploymet 2 times in my life for 2 years total. I figure I have what ? 16 years of it left. Yeah rite.Never happen.OK Then where do I go to get some of that back.Government grants? Hard to find ,more less get.Entitlements?. Never heard of them.Search brought me here. Why get mad. It's a system. Use it to get your monies. That's What I plan to do. Find out how.Learn where to go.Ask everyone you can.If you have any knowlage of where to find a list,Please email the link to me.Thank you for the use of your site.There coming in herds from other countries to get your monies. So I am going to get my monies before it's all gone.
