Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Facing an empty nest... again

They say it's normal these days for young adult children (is that an oxymoron?) to yo-yo. That is to leave home, then come back, then leave again (lather, rinse, repeat... you get the idea). I guess it's comforting to know that our family is normal in this regard.

With the big news this week that Brent and Cyndi are buying their first house and could be moving out in about 4 give-or-take weeks, we find ourselves once again facing the empty nest syndrome (is it a real syndrome or did I just make that up?).

To Brent and Cyndi, let me say how very proud we are of you and what you've been able to accomplish. This is a really big step and to make this happen all on your own when just a year ago neither of you had a job, is pretty amazing. Some day in the future you'll think back to this time and take great pride and satisfaction in knowing that through your own will-power, determination, and discipline you achieved this great milestone which many people work for all their lives and never achieve. There will be plenty of time to dwell on the specifics of home ownership (you know, like fixing things, maintaining a yard, etc.), but for now you should spend some time thinking on a higher level. Like what does this mean to you as a couple, or how does this impact your relationship. If you let it, home ownership can bring a whole new set of issues into the relationship. But the good news is you've already shown that you are grounded with a good value set and that you can work through adversity together, so just keep doing what you're doing and everything should work out fine. Also, continue to love, trust, and respect each other and you'll be the happy king and queen of your castle forever.

Just as Brent and Cyndi will be thinking about what this means to them, Sheri and I will be thinking about what it means to us... empty nester's once again. All I can say is...

LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I couldn't resist)